“Space Monkeys!” is made by The Gallaga Bros., who were reared in South Texas. There, they quickly tanned to a monkey brown, then fled for cooler climes as military brats in Germany.
Omar L. Gallaga is a tech writer in Central Texas who also runs his own personal site, Terribly Happy. He has a weekly technology column called Digital Savant and a blog of the same name for the Austin American-Statesman, where he’s worked for many, many years. He used to write and perform with the acclaimed Latino Comedy Project and is a former on-air correspondent and blogger for NPR’s segment “All Tech Considered” on All Things Considered. He was a long-time recapper at Television Without Pity of shows including Smallville. Omar and Pablo did 100+ episodes of an animated web series for TWOP called Trailers Without Pity. You can find a complete episode guide here. Omar was also the voice of Shido in the U.S. dub of the anime Getbackers and has also written for MSNBC.com, Hispanic Magazine, The Wall Street Journal and regularly for CNN.com and Kirkus Reviews. He has kids and that keeps him at home an awful lot.
Pablo J. Gallaga is a general media specialist in Austin, Texas with a focus on copywriting. You can find his writings at his personal blog, Pablog, and the faux street fashion blog, The YES and NO. He currently recaps Revenge for Television Without Pity and co-owns the The Cowboys Blog, a tumblr about the Dallas Cowboys. He has a Chihuahua/Yorkie mix named Twisp that will cute your face off.
This comic began in 2004 as a post on Terribly Happy. It was housed for years at the website actiongravy.com running under a system called Comikaze before moving to the current domain, spacemonkeys.me, as a WordPress site.
No actual monkeys in space were harmed in the making of these comic strips. If anything, the monkeys did the harming.
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