Before we had a Web site, we were posting stuff on Terribly Happy. Here’s what we said then:

I’ve been wanting to do a creative project with my brother for a long time. We just never got around to it. Things would come up, we’d both be busy, that sort of thing.

But about six months ago, we got to talking and the idea of doing a Web comic came up. We are, of course, big monkey fans, and I’ve always thought space was an inherently funny setting for simians.

I wrote a strip and P.J. was going to draw it.

That was six months ago.

For six months, I kept pestering him. We’d talk about movies and I’d change the subject to it. I’d interrupt a perfectly good chat to ask how it was going with the comic. I’d instant message him almost every day. The conversations would go like this:

OMAR: Hey, guess what.

P.J.: What?


But, it was worth the wait, because he came through. Here’s what I hope is the first of many… SPACE MONKEYS!