It’s not a uteryou, it’s a uterus
Certain…things have come to my attention.
Chongo1279: what’s with the uterus?
pjgallaga: uterus?
Chongo1279: 3rd comic in the archive
pjgallaga: there’s a uterus?
pjgallaga: where?
pjgallaga: i don’t remember drawing one
Chongo1279: the monster thingy that the guy flys through
Chongo1279: with the clicky belt button
pjgallaga: the monster looks like a uterus?
Chongo1279: yes
pjgallaga: hmm……
pjgallaga: i don’t remember what a uterus looks like
pjgallaga: i really hope i didn’t subconsciously draw a uterus
Chongo1279: lol
Chongo1279: like a uterus with fallopian tubes
pjgallaga: OH SHIT
Chongo1279: hahahaha
pjgallaga: hmm…..then that comic takes on a whole new meaning
Chongo1279: lol… yes it does 😛
pjgallaga: it was totally unintentional though
Chongo1279: omg… that’s friggin’ priceless
pjgallaga: lol damn……i have girl parts on my mind even when i don’t have them on my mind
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