I associate South by Southwest Interactive, the festival that I’ve been covering every year since time out of mind, with serendipity and here’s just one example of that.
We wrote this comic last week and Pablo worked on it over the weekend to post today.
Without any advanced knowledge whatsoever, I found out Monday that the real Grumpy Cat, Tardar Sauce, is going to be at SXSW Interactive and I’m now scheduled to meet this cat (and her owner) on Thursday.
I sent an email to my former editor Sarah, who is a lover of memes, and told her what happened. A bit awed, I wrote, “I think I may have somehow manifested Grumpy Cat!”
She told me that was amazing if it were true and now I have to be very careful that I watch which memes I bring into the real world. Things could get really ugly really fast.
Thank you for bringing Grumpy Cat to Austin.