Clippy and the Paperclips
I think a Paperclips band is a viable venture given that their lead singer could be ex-Microsoft employee Clippy. That guy really needs some work. He’s eating recalled dog food on the corner and begging people to let him help with some spreadsheets. It’s just… really sad.
Happy weekend! I’m using that Groinhousewallpaper on my home computer and it looks pretty sweet. I would suggest that in this instance, you follow the (one-man) herd.
To echo what PJ said, sorry for the lateness of comics this week. But, let’s see: you got two comics and a wallpaper! In the end, things worked out, yes? Did we not come through? Do you not find us pleasing? Shall we snuggle you in the morning with cool fruits and warm breads to demonstrate our devotion?
Do we need to rub your feet?
Oh, shit, I’ve got it! Clippy, come here! I’ve got a job for you!
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