Textual rhymes with Sexual
Yes, school does get in the way of what’s really important. This is my last semester, however, so that shouldn’t be a problem after this hiatus of ours.
I’ve had people ask me if Space Monkeys! is dead, which kinda hurt, but I guess I deserved it for keeping you guys in the dark. I assure you that the monkeys are alive and kicking it in my and Omar’s heads.
The last few weeks I’ve really believed that I could still bring you comics with the schedule I have. But after a while of trying to find time, and no comic to speak of, it seemed better to just wait and plan for a grand return. We want to do these comics so much that it was hard to admit that we couldn’t at this time. I think that’s why it took so long to go on a definite hiatus.
Rest assured. We will be back with the monkeys you love. And we’ll be doing comics about monkeys again too.
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