Bobbo Springs Eternal
I wrote this post once already, but Blogger decided to eat it. Let’s try again.
I’ve gotten into a bad habit of not going to see movies I want to see at the theater, and waiting until they come out on DVD. Thus was the case with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.I totally regret it. Upon first viewing, it instantly became my favorite movie, unseating the long-time champion Mulholland Dr. I enjoyed it even more the second time I watched it, and I can’t wait to see it again.
I’m hoping to put a stop to this habit soon. I still need to go seeGarden State. I’d like to also go see Friday Night Lights, I Heart Huckabees, Shaun of the Dead, and possibly The Motorcycle Diaries. Here’s hopin’.
The new wallpapers I promised are finished, but I’m not releasing them until Wednesday when I’ll have more time to update the Hot Stuff page. Check back then. We’re also hoping to move to a new URL soon. Until then.
As promised, new wallpapers are up at the Hot Stuff page. I thought the sloth posters from Bobbo’s room would be nice enough to adorn any sort of thing needing adornation.
Unfortunately, the new domain isn’t up yet so the wallpapers are sorta telling a little half-truth with that URL. Eventually, it’ll become the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Fridays should be celebrated with the viewing of monkeys from outer space in comic strip form. Oh my…it would appear that this is the perfect place to partake in that exact thing. Come join the celebration of projectile feces and bananas.
Disappearing Acts
I haven’t been posting much here because PJ seems to do that just fine on his own, summarizing and explaining the tenuous floaty mishmash of ideas that resides in the space between two brothers’ thoughts.
The new wallpapers are cool if you haven’t downloaded them yet and there will indeed be a new comic tomorrow, being the usual Friday rotation. Someday, when the world is ours and we’re snorting blow from the chests of SM! groupies, we won’t have to keep reminding you, but for now we’ll keep repeating it: Mondays and Fridays for Space Monkeys! glory.
We’re still working on that domain name issue. I thought our ISP was stepping up to the plate, but they are in fact scratching their balls in the dugout. I’m afraid to go in there and even ask about it at this point. They might ask to shake my hand.
It’s slightly delayed! IT’S SLIGHTLY DELAYED!
Thursday nights have really sucked the past few weeks. I’ve been so tired that I’ve been having to attempt a nap before starting the Friday comic. That wouldn’t be so bad if my body would allow me to wake up at the designated time for starting work on the comic on schedule.
So….another Friday afternoon comic. Sorry, guys.
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