Hot Stuff Comin’ Through
I really don’t have an important news bulletin or anything like that. I just wanted to use that title. “I’M ON FIYAH!” to quote Mystikal, who happens to go way back with Omar.
I’m quite proud of the the gradual improvements in the artwork of the strip. I spent the majority of the time for this one on the first panel, and I’m sure that is reflected in comparison to the remaining two frames. Also, I thought I’d try something new by going with three panels instead of the usual four, with the third being in a sort of widescreen format. I got the idea when I got hooked on Scarygoround recently. You should check it out, and some of the other comics up on the recently updated links pagebefore I go link crazy on this post. Oh….too late.
Oh…some good news. I was able to do almost all of today’s comic over the course of one day, which means I’ve gotten considerably more efficient with making these strips, taking into account how demanding the artwork was for this particular strip. This might mean I will be able to continue updating regularly once school starts up again, but don’t hold me to that. If it doesn’t work out, I’m sure we’ll come up with something.
It’s super early; I’m exhausted and am seeing the comic for the first time, much like you.
It combines our love of lasers, large tentacled creatures and puns.
I’m also amazed it got done on time because when I went to bed last night, I asked for a sort of final status check. (The artist here stays up till about 5 a.m. most nights. I try to be a little more conservative, sleeping about 1 a.m.-ish.)
Omar: So, how’s the strip coming?
PJ: Strip? OH YEAH!
Yet, here it is.
I also just noticed that for them to have this battle, their ship must be really really large.
That’s all I got, folks. I’m going to go have some coffee now.
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