Well, shit
The streak of consistent updating has sadly ended. No excuses here, but don’t let this deter you. The updating schedule remains the same with today’s comic being pushed back to Wednesday. Expect a bonus comic next Wednesday for your troubles. You can also expect that wallpaper I’ve been talking about.
What’s all this “expecting” business, you say? How can I ever trust you again, you might ask? You’re not my real father! Now, give me my toaster pastry! These are all valid feelings when someone misses an update. My reply to you is: I think you all know how much we want our monkeys to touch you.
I did manage to do one thing right. I’ve posted link buttons and banner ads at the hot stuff page so you can pimp my non-updating ass to all your friends. I ain’t much to look at, but I…well, I suppose I’m not that flexible anymore.
See you Wendesday. I promise.
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