Not Bowled over
Even a good Super Bowl, one with two teams that are evenly matched and some measure of suspense, is unlikely to hold my attention. I’m in it for the commercials and the Twitter of it all, not the game itself.
This year, even the commercials were sort of lame and predictable and of course the game was a lopsided snooze that made me wish HBO was showing True Detective at 8 p.m. instead of pushing it back a week for the “Super” Bowl.
That Bruno Mars, though. What a talent! (I am in no way being sarcastic. I love that guy.)
I mean, it’s been probably like a decade since a team I even cared about it made it to the Big Enchifritolada. I do like those Seahawks, though. It was clear about three or four weeks before the Bowl that they were going to be an unstoppable force from the sky. Surprised Meany didn’t see that coming.
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