How I Predicted the Future
I know it’s in vogue right now to count your lucky stars that you never jumped on the “How I Met Your Mother” train, but even after trying to shrewdly capitalize on the phenomenon by watching the finale live and bypassing the nine years of frustration in hopes of still getting the payoff, I can’t help but say my disappointment is palpable.
Even without all of the investment, I was hoping for a beautiful, TV sendoff — the likes of which we don’t really see anymore from a sitcom. A lot has been written on the subject, so I’ll just add that despite all of the awfulness, I’ll always be able to watch the Farhampton train station scene and smile.
How I Hung In There
I did watch every episode of How I Met Your Mother. At one point, I started writing “weecaps” of the show for Television Without Pity (RIP) of the third season.
And then I kept watching. And watching.
It came around again when I started writing for where I covered this last season.
You can read my specific thoughts on the finale in this write-up. I know it’s silly to get worked up about a TV show’s ending. I think it’s less anger than sadness at a missed opportunity to wrap things up in a truly great way. Because that was not it.
We don’t talk a lot about Anything But Mini-Me’s origins, but believe me when I say it’s all mapped out and quite detailed. And not as disappointing as Ted Mosby’s final fate.
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