I thought I was being clever by writing off the Xbox One, but then I got to play a little bit of Titanfall. Then, I remembered that one game doesn’t make up for Microsoft’s complete lack of understanding gamers and their trying to push a television box masked as a gaming console onto the masses.
I have to say that Titanfall did make me waver in my Sony allegiance, though. Thank goodness that game’s out on PC. Time to push my machine’s specs.
Fest rest
We missed a few weeks here because both Pablo and I were sucked into the gaping maw that was South by Southwest.
It’s a little over a week but it feels like a month and the prep/recovery time is insane. It basically knocked us both on our asses and we are only now beginning to breathe and talk and sleep at something close to a normal rate.
We almost did a SXSW comic but time was elastic and by the time it would have been posted, it would have felt very, very old.
I like this one better. TITANFALL, Y’ALL!
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