We’re a little behind the times as far as movies go. “Shouldn’t this be a Beowulf or No Country for Old Men comic,” you might ask. No, it should be an American Gangster comic. And it is.
Posts Tagged movies
I have a kid. I don’t see movies.
When I saw the trailers forĀ American Gangster, I absolutely wanted to see it. Then it hit theaters and I completely lost interest. I’ll probably see the movie with the computer animated bees before I see it. I’m not sure why. […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Oscar, Oscar!
We’ve been slowly making our way through the Oscar-nominated movies. We’ve both seen Juno, No Country and There Will Be Blood and I’ve got Eastern Promises on tap in my DVD player. All three of the ones I’ve seen were […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
We had at one moment briefly considered seeing The Croods for the sheer purpose of having the critical facts on our side in order to make this comic ring with truth. And then we decided to just do the comic […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…